I like anime, but I'm not a big nerd when it comes to it. Sorry.
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Age 43, Male
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I like anime, but I'm not a big nerd when it comes to it. Sorry.
supersmurf pretty much summed it up
i like anime. i just fuking despise naruto
Anime is nice to watch from time to time. Its when people obsess over it and become "otakus" that it gets annoying.
I like the comedy type of anime, sometimes it puts me in a pretty good mood if I laugh or get sucked into the storyline, but I'm wicked picky on what I watch. I love the Soul Eater cosplay by the way.
only fags do.
Anime's okay, but I just hate people who base there ENTIRE life on it, tryign to avoid as much social contact, etc. You know, Hard-core anime watchers. But still, you can't help but respect anime.
Somebody has to offset these ambivalent or outright negative comments: I -LOVE- anime! I'm not ashamed of it, and my collection proves it. I mean, Japan invented the medium in 1905 (yep, while they were winning their war against Russia) !
anime was invented off the 'realistic' cartooning of walt disney studios
we hired japan to do alot of our animation in the 80s/90s Inspector Gadget is one of the cartoons that was animated there.
Soru Ita!!!
i don't!
Yeah, anime is pretty gay imo.
dont forget no jaw movement when facing forward, only side shots
Not really, I'm not much for melodrama.
A like to watch anime a lot but not as much as being an otaku and being cosplaying anime caracthers
i know japanese check this out: yamatae sensei onegai that means please teacher stop~
UGHH....generic Crap.
Why can't you enjoy something worth your time!
Like Miyazaki films?
and even some Canadian TV shows (see posts)
I love anime.
I love most anime, I grew up to Dragonball Z, I watch Death Note .etc It's just that Naruto is shite!
moar like POLL EATER amirite?
some anime is alright. It's not a fucking godsend like some people think it is though.
all in all, its cartoons inspired by walt disney