I am Dr.Pain I think this is interesting
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I am Dr.Pain I think this is interesting
bye bye miss american pie drove my chevy to the levee but the levee was dry and them good ol' boys were drinking whiskey and rye Singin', "this'll be the day that I die."this'll be the day that I die."
I win prize for me :D
Wait a sec is this a scam....
I wonder for how much time this will go on
im not winning anything am i
no your not
What's this? Is this about that mar-hu-juana all them kids been talking about?
Rofl, over the years I have seen a few friends become idiotic due to the use of mary-jane, while this plant is not as harmful as alcohol, cigarettes and those medicine for deceases that apparently not real, the continuous use of marijuana can lead you to severe stupidity. None the less I do have to remark that i have used it before; my experience: enlightenment, it relieved my pain (i had a few cuts when i smoked it), gave me energy, and kept me active, it was like a dose of adrenaline that gave me a "boost" for the night and part of the morning. In conclusion, marijuana is bad for you ONLY IF you constantly use it.
win what?
smoke is smoke , even if it isn't linked, smoke is smoke... that's bullshit, probably cause teh people with cancer are smoking weed so that they don't realise the smoke is still giving them cancer :3