Happy 10 year anniversary! XD
Happy 10 year anniversary! XD
Thx yo :D
fun film
but next time dont use stick figures, i would of liked full color characters, the song was fun, one of my fav songs
awesome edd
you sure got story telling down solid :)
nice animation
that was really fun to watch and enjoyable
you should of waited until next wednesday, its random day, and you could of submitted it then
No I donTZ want to ZucKz ur cock on wednesDAy HowZ aboT fRiday I cAn sUck it thencuz it is our jEw ShoE naZi parAde we throw sh0es at eacHothers balls and try to liCk the blodd off eacHothers balls. And yes I am fucking Seriu0s
very funny
you have lots of potential and some fun humor, keep making more
very awesomeness
you got really good directing skillz edd :) lol@virtual ride
A little over 500k?
that was alot of animation, very good job on the keeping the file size down. like the animation alot, the camera got me a bit dizzy but not to much, maybe next time a bit longer
overall A+ good quality
Thanks bro. The camera is sorta supposed to be dizzying, really. And yeah I'm really happy that the file size is so damn low.
Glad you liked it.
Thank you for all your cooperation, it is good doin buisness with you. Please come again.
Age 43, Male
Buisness Owner
Done..over.. thank you god!
Joined on 4/5/01